1. Directions to the event. 
  2. Identification (photo ID); not always necessary, but it’s good to be prepared
  3. SCA Membership cards 
  4. Garb, two changes if you’re staying for the weekend. You can dress before leaving home, or use the changing room after you arrive.
  5. Modern clothes to wear for the trip home.
  6. Cloak, if you will not be leaving until the evening 
  7. Pouch, basket, or some means of carrying your “stuff” 
  8. Possibly a pen/pencil and a some paper
  9. Money, in case you owe fees at the gate, or you would like to shop at the merchants, or to pay small fees at classes such as for handouts, or kits (the teachers are volunteers also, no one is covering the cost of supplies for them). 
  10. Something to occupy yourself if you have downtime. 
  11. Drinks, snacks, lunch 
  12. Feast gear, if you are having feast; just a mug if you aren’t staying for feast
  13. Sheets or a sleeping bag and a pillow if the site has cabins. If it’s a camping event, you will need a tent, a cot or air mattress, bedding and a pillow.
  14. Toiletries, bath towel, washcloth and any medication you will need
  15. A chair or a blanket to sit on during the tournament.
  16. Sunscreen or a hat

A lot of the sites we use are State Parks and some require an entry fee of $1 or $2 usually it’s collected at Troll. Cabins sleep from 4 to 40 people. Large cabins (lodges) usually have bunk beds and a bathroom in the center. Many people bring extra sheets to drape around their bunk using large safety pins or clothes pins for a little privacy. If you have trouble sleeping when there is noise, ear plugs are a good idea. Generally, folks try to be quiet while others are sleeping. Heralds make announcements during the event, this includes wake-up calls.